thumbNames([ { t: "contrivance", n: "Contrivance", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Finalist Gosford Art Prize 2019.", a:"" }, { t: "bodyclock", n: "Bodyclock", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Finalist Gosford Art Prize 2018.", a:"" }, { t: "rita_and_the_mask", n: "Rita and the Mask", m: "Oil on canvas", dim: "", d: "Manipulating Identity Exhibition \"Gosford Regional Gallery 2017\". \n Sold.", }, { t: "portrait_of_mike_worrall", n: "Portrait of Mike Worrall", m: "Oil on canvas", dim: "", d: "This painting is a Finalist in The Gosford Art Prize 2017.", }, { t: "the-designer", n: "The Designer", m:"Oil on canvas", dim:"122x152cm (diptych)", d:"Finalist Gosford Art Prize 2015.

Kitty Scott is a talented young Australian designer who has already won awards and shown her Cleonie label in London, Paris and Milan

The complexity of her creative process is expressed in a surreal way.

Her head floats with ideas while her hands are ready to draw, cut and sew. She uniquely fulfils the complete product herself.

Kitty pinned her trademark material on my manneqin. The scissors poised above her head indicate a certain determination of spirit. The change in material colour symbolises her changing ideas as she works towards a new season in fashion.

The stitched head in the background is flattened onto a wall just like one of her designs in her studio.

The mind engages the hand to produce a physical manifestation of ideas that we struggle to bring to life.

", a:"" }, { t: "natural-history-illustrator", n: "Natural History Illustrator", m: "Oil on canvas", dim: "75x122cm each panel (3)", d: "This painting is a Finalist in The Gosford Art Prize 2016. This is exhibited as a Diptych due to size restrictions. The far left painting is exhibited with the far right. The \"Illustrator\" is looking at one \"Specimen\".", }, { t: "the_stare_a_portrait_of_kitty_scott", n: "The Stare", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Sold. Manipulating Identity Exhibition 2017.", a:"" }, { t: "masked-janus-in-bloom", n: "Masked Janus in bloom", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Finalist Gosford Art Prize 2018.", a:"" }, { t: "mask_with-orchids", n: "Mask with Orchids", m: "Oil on canvas", dim: "", d: "Sold. Manipulating Identity Exhibition 2017.", }, { t: "feathered-mask-with-wasps", n: "Feathered Mask with Wasps", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Sold. Manipulating Identity Exhibition 2017.", a:"" }, { t: "fashionably-unreal", n: "The Pretender", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"", a:"" }, { t: "feathered-sounds", n: "Feathered sounds", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Sold. Manipulating Identity Exhibition 2017.", a:"" }, { t: "vic_and_the_bear", n: "Vic and the bear", m: "Oil on canvas", dim: "", d: "Finalist Hornsby Art Prize 2016.", }, { t: "not-a-featherhead", n: "Not a featherhead", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Sold. Manipulating Identity Exhibition 2017", a:"" }, { t: "feathered-fez", n: "Feathered fez", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Sold. Manipulating Identity Exhibition 2017", a:"" }, { t: "harlequin-mask", n: "Performance", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"", a:"" }, { t: "weight_of_the_world", n: "Weight of the World", m:"Oil on canvas", dim:"92x45cm", d:"Exhibited at Gosford Regional Gallery in 'The Figure' Exhibition. July 2016. \n Finalist Gosford Art Prize 2016." }, { t: "desole", n: "Desole", m:"Oil on canvas", dim:"92x45cm", d:"Exhibited at Gosford Regional Gallery in 'The Figure' Exhibition. July 2016" }, { t: "jessica-mcintyre", n: "Jessica McIntyre... Emerging Artist", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"122 cm x 91 cm", d:"Finalist 2013 Portia Geach Memorial Award 2013 at S.H. Ervine Gallery Sydney. Jessica McIntyre is a young artist who pays homage to her craft by always dressing up to paint. She is depicted in incomplete colour, symbolic of her process of an artist slowly blossoming. Her anxious expression indicates her youthful uncertainty and fragility.", a:"" }, { t: "kita-and-the-birds", n: "Kita and the Birds at Terrigal Skillion", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"90 cm x 76 cm", d:"Finalist 2011 Portia Geach Memorial Art Prize S. H. Ervin Gallery Sydney
Terrigal in Plein Air Exhibition 2011
Gosford Regional Art Gallery (honourable mention)
Exhibited at Tweed River Art Gallery, Murwillumbah, NSW
Exhibited at Crowne Plaza Terrigal

Kita Kerford is a stage singer best known for her performances with Jon English in a recent rock musical. This portrait featured her in a coastal setting which resembled a scene from Hitchcock's 'The Birds'. The painting is symbolic of Kita fighting her personal demons when performing despite accolades that follow.

", a:"" }, { t: "magnolia-molly", n: "Magnolia Molly", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"50 cm x 40 cm", d:"Sold.

This is a portrait of Dr Nola Meldrum (known as 'Molly') as a Magnolia as she possesses all of its defined qualities. The Magnolia is a symbol of Molly's spirit: beautiful, fragrant, strong and enduring. The painting attempts to capture a certain sparkle she has that infectiously lifts the spirits of those around her.

", a:"" }, { t:"rapunzel-the-topiary-artist", n: "Rapunzel The Topiary Artist", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"90 cm x 76 cm", d:"Toured in The Mortimore Art Prize 2014 Surrealist section
Exhibited at Crowne Plaza Terrigal", a:"" }, { t: "rockface-with-fish-at-terrigal", n:"", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Exhibited Crowne Plaza Terrigal 2014. Plein Air Exhibition 2014.", a:"" }, { t:"snow-white-in-trouble", n: "Snow White in trouble", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"90 cm x 76 cm", d:"Exhibited at Crowne Plaza Terrigal.", a:"" }, { t:"supergirl-emerging", n: "Supergirl Emerging", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"90 cm x 76 cm", d:"Finalist in Gosford Art Prize 2013 at Gosford Regional Art Gallery
Exhibited at Crowne Plaza Terrigal", a:"" }, { t: "tattoo-girl", n:"Tattoo Girl", dim:"38x44cm", d:"Exhibited in Manipulating Identity Exhibition 2017. Exhibited at Gosford Regional Gallery in 'The Figure' Exhibition. July 2016", a:"" }, { t: "the-collar", n: "The Collar", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"39x47cm", d:"Exhibited at Gosford Regional Gallery in 'The Figure' Exhibition. July 2016", a:"" }, { t: "the-red-skirt", n:"The Red skirt", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"90 cm x 76 cm", d:"Finalist in The Gosford Art Prize 2010 at Gosford Regional Gallery. This painting was inspired by the Balthus painting of 'Therese'", a:"" }, { t: "the-sari", n: "The Sari", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Sold. Exhibited at Gosford Regional Gallery in 'The Figure' Exhibition. July 2016", a:"" }, { t:"the-silk-scarf", n: "The Silk scarf", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"", d:"Sold. Exhibited at Gosford Regional Gallery in 'The Figure' Exhibition. July 2016", a:"" }, { t: "trolley-of-heads", n: "Trolley of heads", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"90x122cm", d:"Finalist in Gosford Art Prize 2015 at Gosford Regional Art Gallery", a:"" }, { t: "in-judgement", n: "In Judgement", m:"Oil on Canvas", dim:"76 cm x 90 cm", d:"", a:"" }, ]);